Blackjack rules

Here's the English translation of the provided text:


"Blackjack, also known as 21, is undoubtedly one of the most popular card games in the world.


It is a game with probable European origins (France or, less likely, Italy or the Netherlands) but has had (and has) the greatest spread in America, where it boomed during the gold rush times. Currently, it is played in almost every casino worldwide.


It is usually played with 6 decks of French cards (312 cards), but games with 1, 2, 4, or 8 decks are also common. It involves a bet made by each player against the dealer represented by an employee (croupier or dealer).




- ACE: 1 or 11 points at the player's choice

- FACE CARDS: KING (K), QUEEN (Q), JACK (J): 10 points

- ALL OTHER CARDS: Their face value


At the blackjack table, a maximum of 7 players can sit (in some casinos, the number of seats may be fewer). There are boxes corresponding to each seat where bets can be placed.


Once the bets have been made, the dealer deals one face-up card to each player, serving himself a face-up card last. Then, a second (face-up) card is served to each player.


American rules dictate that the dealer deals himself a second, face-down card (hole card). According to these rules, if the dealer's face-up card is an Ace or a Face card, he must immediately check if he has achieved Blackjack, withdrawing all losing bets in that case.




The goal of Blackjack is to obtain a score higher than the dealer's without exceeding 21 (if you exceed 21, you 'bust' and lose immediately).


Once the card distribution is complete, each player decides whether to 'stand,' accepting the score achieved with the two initial cards (STAY), or to request one or more cards to improve their total (HIT).


After this phase, the dealer gives himself one or more cards, following this rule:




Usually, the dealer must stand (S17) even when reaching 17 in SOFT hands (with an Ace valued at 11, e.g., A 6); in some tables, the rule is that, with a soft 17, the dealer still takes a card (H17).




- Who busts loses the bet immediately.

- At a tie, the hand is a push (neither the player nor the dealer wins or loses): bets can be withdrawn or left in play.

- If the player's hand exceeds the dealer's, it is paid even money.

- Anyone totaling 21 with the two initial cards (Ace and a Face card or Ace and 10) achieves Blackjack. In this case, it is usually paid at a ratio of 3 to 2.

- Blackjack always beats a 21 obtained with three or more cards.

- If both the player and the dealer have Blackjack, the hand is a push.






After receiving the two initial cards, the player can double their initial stake. In this case, they are entitled to receive only one card. Not all casinos allow doubling down with any two initial cards. Many houses offer this option only when the player's first two cards total 9, 10, or 11. Others allow it only with a score of 10 or 11. Some casinos allow 'doubling down for less,' where you bet an amount at your discretion, lower than the base bet.


**Splitting pairs**


A player who receives a pair (two cards of the same value - even a 10 and a K, for example, form a pair) can split them, creating two independent games. In this case, they must bet an amount equal to the initial stake on the second hand. Then, two more cards are dealt (one for each member of the initial pair), and the two games are followed independently. If there is a new pair in most houses, it can also be split; usually, no more than three or four games can be followed.


In the case of a split, many casinos allow doubling down; others do not.




When the dealer's first card is an Ace, the player has the option to insure against the possibility that the dealer has Blackjack. Insurance involves placing a chip (not greater than half of the initial bet) in the designated line on the green table. If the dealer gets Blackjack, the insurance is paid 2 to 1; otherwise, it is collected by the house. Insurance and the bet are independent.


**Even money Blackjack**


When the dealer's first card is an Ace, and the player gets Blackjack, the player has the option to immediately request payment of their stake at even money. This is independent of the score the dealer will achieve. Not all casinos allow this option: getting insurance leads to the same result anyway.




In many casinos, there is the possibility of surrendering. The player is offered the opportunity to give up the game at the cost of half of the original bet. The decision must be made before taking any other action. There are two variants: early and late.


In an early game, a player can make the choice before the dealer checks their cards to see if they have Blackjack (we're talking about the game with a HOLE card). Since this rule offers an advantage to the player, early surrender is rarely offered.


The much more common variation is Late play, where the dealer (talking about the game with a HOLE card) first checks for Blackjack, and only then is surrender allowed.


In Europe, the game is without a hole card, so surrender is, by necessity, early. Unfortunately, this variant is not widespread; some houses, while allowing surrender, impose limitations (e.g., not allowing it against an Ace)."