Roulette: Greats from the past

For more than 100 years, great mathematicians, strong players and illustrious unknowns have tried their hand at studying roulette, dedicating years and resources.

In this section we offer an overview of those who we think were the greatest. 


We propose the key principles of their thinking, which we hope will be very useful for further study and practical application.


It should be emphasized that these illustrious figures have published, in some cases, thousands of pages (including books and articles), so we do not presume to summarize these studies in a few lines.

The purpose of this section is therefore to illustrate some key principles of the thought of some great scholars, referring to the works of each individual for further insight.


The reader should not be shocked to find authentic scientists like E. Thorp (also great in the present!) next to players (who contributed nothing) like the Marquis D'Argo. The purpose of this section is simply to present people who, in one way or another, have made "the history" of the game.

Here some of the most popular scholars of the past: