Beatable - roulette: science and art of roulette

 The most frequent question asked by / to fans of this fantastic world is the following:


"Is roulette beatable, or are we all deluded?"


From a mathematical point of view, Roulette, understood as a random number generator, is unbeatable. There is no need to wait for delays, even extreme ones, to try to win, but Roulette is not only mathematics, it is also physics and, according with some scolar, maybe someting more.


In these pages we will learn more about Her Majesty Roulette, its history, its rules, its mathematics and above all we will analyze the weaknesses of Roulette.


There are known paths that, taken in the right direction, can allow the player to win at roulette:

  • Biased wheels.
  • Visual physical prediction.
  • Instrumental physical prediction.

And there are different, yet unrecognized paths that imply great potential, including theories of the non-randomness of the roulette generator. Among these, we recall:

  • Consequential Roulette Generation.
  • The theories arising from the work of the legendary scholar of the past, Charles Henry. The theories arising from the work of the legendary scholar of the past, Theo D'Alost.
  • The theories arising from the work of the legendary scholar of the past, Charles Henry. The theories arising from the work of the legendary scholar of the past, Theo D'Alost.


How to win at Roulette


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